Digital Mammography System Mammo-RP

Digital Mammography System Mammo RP


It is an optimal mammography system suitable both for screening and diagnostic investigations.

Advantages of Digital Mammography System Mammo RP:  

  • Flat panel detector  and the slit collimator significantly reduce the radiation dose
  • Light C-arm
  • Easy to use control panel
  • Perfect automatic exposure control
  • High spatial resolution 10 Lp / mm
  • Modern design, motorized control of all the movements 
  • Powerful high frequency generator
  • The ability of digital processing, storage and transmission of electronic data, DICOM compatibility
  • Different accessories easily attached to the unit
  • The system recognizes the devices and adjusts all operation factors automatically

High quality of mammography image is provided by:

  • Powerful dual focus X-ray tube
  • Powerful high frequency generator
  • Flat panel detector

Digital Mammography System Mammo RP is supplied with a Remote Control Laboratory enabled in automated laboratory workstation located behind the X-ray shelter. The automated laboratory workstation represents a computer with high resolution monitor 20" (see the picture) that allows operator to receive and enter simultaneously all necessary information, to make patient data and evaluate the quality of images.

Digital Mammography System Mammo RP is equipped with doctor’s workstation including software module for maintaining patients’ database and performed studies, archive management of digital images.

Software application  - Doctor:

  • Search needed / undocumented research database.  
  •  Visualization of the selected studies : 
  • The implementation of a specialized protocol view mammography studies (pairwise display pictures).  
  • The following functions to visual image analysis : the withdrawal of up to 16 images on a viewing table, smooth scaling from 0.5 to 10 times, the tool "lens", image rotation on the angle multiple of 90 degrees, adjusting brightness / contrast 
  • The following functions: dose, measurement of size, distance measurement, angle measurement, the measurement space, histogram image obtaining.  
  • Compilation of several X-ray reports on research with the ability to specify separately for each: date of the report, doctor’s name who made a report, a description of the study, the conclusion of the study, doctor’s recommendations, the classifier of the system BIRADS.  
  • Implementation of printing images on DICOM printer in any format

Software application - Logger:

  • Enter demographic data of patients
  • Appointment of mammography studies and compiling a list of appointments 

Software application - Reports:

  • Information about completed research 
  • Statistical reports on activities of the mammography department.